Clenching and grinding is known as “Bruxism”What is clenching or grinding?
Some people grind their teeth and clench their jaw muscles during their sleep. Often individuals are not even aware of this habit as it commonly occurs during sleep. It could also be a subconscious habit during the day.
Why do I clench or grind my teeth?
Whilst the cause is not known for certain. The causes might be physical or psychological. They can include-- 9Stress (emotional, physical pain or illness)
- 9Breathing problems related to sleep apnoea and reduced airways
- 9Malocclusions and changes to your bite
- 9Disturbed sleep patterns
- 9Personality types (anxious, hyperactive)
What symptoms could I have?
- 9Tension headaches, neck and shoulder pain
- 9Grinding wears, the teeth down and causes crack teeth and fillings
- 9Aching and tender teeth
- 9The jaw joint may be sore and/or difficult to open or close, known as trismus or lock jaw
- 9Clicking jaw joints
- 9Loose teeth
During your routine dental exams, the dentist might ask you questions and look for signs and symptoms.
How can I fix my clenching/grinding habit?
- 9Monitoring
- 9Referral to your doctor (GP), ENT, sleep specialist, or psychologist/psychiatrist.
- 9Use of medications- muscle relaxants, anti-anxiety/anti-depressants, botox injections.
- 9Dental approaches- which include use of appliances like occlusal splints, snoring appliances, orthodontics. Depending on the extent of damage, dental treatment might be directed towards fixing the damaged teeth.
- 9Behavioural and lifestyle modifications – elimination of stimulants (eg coffee), yoga, relaxation exercises.
Treatment can be directed towards the symptoms or the underlying cause. Talk with your dentist or doctor to find out which option may work best for you.